

Ministry of Earth Sciences
All projects in the subject area mentioned below can be submitted for funding from Ministry of Earth Sciences. The various subject areas for funding are Atmospheric Science, Earth System Science Technology, Geoscience, Hydrology & Cryosphere, Ocean Science & Resources. The complete details including formats, guidelines can be obtained from
Ministry of Environment & Forests
The Ministry of Environment & Forests invites research proposals for financial support in prescribed format under its NNRMS Programme. The NNRMS Programme supports research projects aimed at optimal utilization of remote sensing techniques along with conventional methods for addressing key environmental and ecological issues such as management of forests, grasslands, faunal resources, wetlands, coastal areas management including conservation of mangroves and coral resources, land degradation, impact of developmental activities on environment.
Priority will be given to the areas relating to Monitoring of Ecologically Sensitive Areas, Establishment of Himalayan Snow and Glaciers Monitoring System, time series analysis of data for different ecological & environmental variables of various bio-resources and environment covering the specific proposals:
- Ecologically Compatible land use planning in the notified Eco-sensitive Zones through Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies.
- Long term ecological research for biodiversity assessment and Monitoring in biodiversity hot-spots of the country.
- Time series analysis of data for a minimum period of four to five years for different ecological and environmental variables in respect of Snow and Glaciers, Wetlands, Coastal Zones and Forest types of India. Complete details are available at
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
The Ministry has been supporting Research, Design & Development (RD&D) in new and renewable energy since 1982. Considering that the market would largely drive the renewable energy sector, a scheme has been evolved for associating and supporting RD&D carried out by industry. This scheme provides guidelines for project identification, formulation appraisal, approval and financial support. A Research, Design & Development Project Appraisal Committee (RDPAC) has been constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, MNRE for the purpose of giving guidance to the overall direction of RD&D effort in new and renewable energy. This Committee also elicits RD&D proposals, appraises them, and recommends financial support wherever required.
The Ministry has identified thrust areas in which R&D efforts are required. Ministry considers R&D proposals which are directly related to the activities/ programmes of the Ministry and hold promise for commercialization in near future. The thrust areas mainly covers programmes, such as, Rural Energy; Solar Energy; Energy from Urban & Industrial Wastes; Power Generation- Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro; New Technologies- Chemical Sources (fuel cells), Hydrogen, Ocean & Geothermal Energy; etc. Details can be obtained from
R & D Formats are available at :
& New Schemes are at :
Ministry of Mines
Science and Technology Project Proposals are invited from academic institutions for the thrust areas in mining.
Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
DBT invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics. Please keep visiting the website for latest proposals
Board of Research in Fusion Sciences & Technology (BRFST)
National Fusion Programme set up by the Institute For Plasma Research in 2006 has formulated a number of strategies for a long-term programme aimed at developing indigenous competence in all aspects of Fusion Science & Technology with a view to be ready to take up designing and building a demo reactor after the successful operation of the ITER machine. The programme is multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional in character and requires expertise from a verity of fields, ranging from frontiers of fundamental science to sophisticated technologies.
Interaction with academic groups aimed at generating collaborative research programmes was initiated through the first PSSI-IPR workshop held in November 2006 during which, a large number of research proposals were nucleated. BRFST invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.
Forms & Formats:
Research areas & More Details:
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI)
CMPDI is the Nodal Agency for coordinating R&D programmes in the coal sector. CMPDI assists the Technical Sub-committee of Standing Scientific Research Committee (SSRC) in discharge of its function. The job of co-ordination involves
  • Inviting fresh research proposals
  • Carrying out first level scrutiny
  • Processing the scrutinized proposal for approval of Technical Sub-Committee of SSRC
  • Monitoring of the progress of the projects at regular intervals
  • Framing R&D budget estimates
  • Dissemination of research findings and promoting their application to field operations
CMPDI invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.
For more details:
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
ICMR invites proposals for enhancing research and development activities.
Thrust Areas of Research:
For more details:
Department of Electronics and Information Technology
DEIT encourages collaborative R&D between industry and academics/ R&D institutions for development of products and packages and bridge the gap between R&D and commercialization. DIT has already circulated the details of Multiplier Grants Scheme to Industry associations for circulation amongst its members and to leading academic institutions.
Project Proposal:
Terms & Conditions:
Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals
Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals a part of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers invites proposals for research projects and establishing Center of Excellence in educational institutions.
For New Schemes:
For setting up centre of excellence in petrochemicals sector:
For More Details
Establishment of Centers of Excellence in Frontier Areas of Science and Technology (MHRD)
The Centre of Excellence (CoE) is expected to be a collaborative activity between a team of high quality researchers in the institution and researchers or research-users in several companies or organizations on new and emerging technologies, multi-disciplinary and translational research relevant to national development goals.
The Centre should focus on new and emerging technologies, multidisciplinary and translational research relevant to national development goals
- Priority will be accorded to thematic areas such as energy, water, clean environment, smart materials that promote sustainable development.
- Funding can be considered for new as well as existing centre of excellence for training and research (except those already considered under this scheme or TEQIP-II) for value addition or achieving next levels of research.
- The Centre is expected to trigger an R&D culture in the institution as evidenced by significant increase in applications of research outputs, collaborative and sponsored research, publications in reputed national/ international journals and conferences, patents, innovations, commercialized products and Masters and PhD enrolments.
Forms & Formats: